The right way to create a secure password

Password should not contains any important data that related to ourselves. Such as ID card or passport number, birthday, parents name, home/office address or many elses.

Password also need to be remembered. But how to remember a words that not related to our important data, to turn it to secure password?

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Majlis Prestasi Akademik 2023/2024. Hadir!!

Alhamdulillah hampir tamat sudah sesi persekolahan anak-anak untuk 2023/2024. Tiap sekolah ada anjurkan majlis meraikan pencapaian murid-murid. Tak ketinggalan sekolah Fateh & Ilfiyna.

Majlis pertama yang aku & Nurul hadir adalah Majlis Ihtifal Khatam Al Quran / Anugerah Kecemerlangan & Prestasi sekolah agama Fateh.

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